NEASC Standards for Accreditation
For high schools hosting Accreditation Teams in the year 2020 and beyond
The Standards act as the foundation for the cycle of accreditation: the school’s self-reflection, the on-site visits by peer review teams, and the school’s planning and follow-up process. They guide the school and its community toward a clear and comprehensive school improvement/growth model by which they can assess themselves; gain valuable, objective feedback from other educators; and implement a realistic and relevant planning process to improve education for their students.
The New England Association of Schools and Colleges Commission on Public Schools requires member schools to demonstrate alignment with the Standards for Accreditation. The 2020 Standards for Accreditation – effective for elementary, middle, and high schools hosting Accreditation Visits in the year 2020 and beyond – have been streamlined into five core Standards to better fit the redesigned Accreditation process.
The following reports outline Mass Academy’s collaborative conference, Decennial Visit, and growth plan through 2021. The faculty and school council have developed the growth plan for 2021-2024 based on feedback from the visiting team. This updated plan is available on the Student Resources page of our website.